All of my research is available freely, mostly on the arXiv. In case you have trouble accessing the journal version of articles below and are not happy with the arXiv version, feel free to reach out and I will gladly email you a copy.
Convergence of bipartite open quantum systems stabilized by reservoir engineering [journal] [arxiv]
Rémi Robin, Pierre Rouchon, Lev-Arcady Sellem -
A GKP qubit protected by dissipation in a high-impedance superconducting circuit driven by a microwave frequency comb [to appear in PRX][arxiv]
Lev-Arcady Sellem, Alain Sarlette, Zaki Leghtas, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Pierre Rouchon, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq
Quantum control of a cat-qubit with bit-flip times exceeding ten seconds [journal] [arxiv]
U. Réglade, A. Bocquet, R. Gautier, A. Marquet, E. Albertinale, N. Pankratova, M. Hallén, F. Rautschke, L.-A. Sellem, P. Rouchon, A. Sarlette, M. Mirrahimi, P. Campagne-Ibarcq, R. Lescanne, S. Jezouin, Z. Leghtas -
One hundred second bit-flip time in a two-photon dissipative oscillator [journal] [arxiv]
C. Berdou, A. Murani, U. Reglade, W.C. Smith, M. Villiers, J. Palomo, M. Rosticher, A. Denis, P. Morfin, M. Delbecq, T. Kontos, N. Pankratova, F. Rautschke, T. Peronnin, L.-A. Sellem, P. Rouchon, A. Sarlette, M. Mirrahimi, P. Campagne-Ibarcq, S. Jezouin, R. Lescanne and Z. Leghtas
- Stability and decoherence rates of a GKP qubit protected by dissipation
Lev-Arcady Sellem, Rémi Robin, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq, Pierre Rouchon
- Exponential convergence of a dissipative quantum system towards finite-energy grid states of an oscillator
Lev-Arcady Sellem, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Alain Sarlette and Pierre Rouchon
Recent and upcoming talks
- Rencontre printanière de l’INTRIQ. Regular talk: Quantum reservoir engineering for the protection of Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubits.
22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (Yokohama, Japan). Contributed talk: Stability and decoherence rates of a GKP qubit protected by dissipation.
Bolder Boulder Quantum Workshop (Boulder, Colorado, USA). Poster: Dissipative Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubits.
IQ seminar (Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada). Dissipation engineering for the autonomous stabilization of bosonic quantum error correction codes.
61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cancùn, Mexico). Contributed talk: Exponential convergence of a dissipative quantum system towards finite-energy grid states of an oscillator.
CANUM Congress (Evian-les-Bains, France). Contributed talk: A Sturm-Liouville problem arising from the study of finite energy GKP qubits. [abstract]
- Q-Traj Fall school (Toulouse, France). Contributed talk: Model order reduction methods for Lindblad-type equations. [abstract]
- SMAI Congress (La Grande Motte, France). Poster: Model order reduction methods for Lindblad-type equations. [abstract] [poster]
Miscellaneous events
I wasn’t speaking, but you may have met me there:
- Statistical Methods and Mathematical Analysis for Quantum Information Science (Chicago, Illinois, USA). 5-week research stay at the IMSI institute.
- 7th Quantum Cavities Workshop
- Mathematical Methods for Quantum Hardware workshop (Chicago, USA)
- Esquisses Summer School (Porquerolles, France)
- Q-Coast Workshop (Paris, France)
- GDR Physique quantique mésoscopique (Aussois, France)
- Quantum Information Machines workshop (Les Houches, France)
- CJC-MA (Palaiseau, France)
- LIASFMA Summer school (online)
- 24th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (online)
- Byron Bay Quantum Workshop (online).
- Congrès d’Analyse Numérique pour les Jeunes (online).